Chaverim Kol Israel

The "Chaverim Kol Israel " program is a unique Halacha study program for every person from Am Israel that has basic knowledge and wants to learn Halaha Lemaase. Each of us wants to know how to answer the simple questions in everyday Halacha, for this purpose we have built a program that includes:

Ribit and Maaser

Taharat HaBait

Kosher kitchen laws

Yom Tov and Hol amoed

Chaguim: Pesah, Rosh Hashana, Kipur and Sucot, Hanuka and Purim

Tefila and Synagogue Halahot

Melachot Shabat

Duration: 18 months

At the end of the course, each of the participants will be given a "Teudat Chaver" certificate by the Rabbinical Center of Halaha studies ¨Darchei Horaa Lerabanim¨ from the City of Jerusalem.

The learning format is through virtual "study tables" where you can choose between individual study or groups of up to 6 learners in each group. The learners will receive daily 45-minute lessons. The lessons will be recorded and provided to learners who could not attend. Additionally, a summary of the laws and regulations studied during the week will be sent out once a week, and once a month, a memory test will be conducted.

The course is not conditional on previous halachic knowledge, but the institute may require a letter of recommendation from the Rabbi of the community or, alternatively, approval of Judaism.

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